

Tamara Murphy Wiki, Biography, Age, Gallery

NameTamara MurphyAge/DOB63 (1961)Death DateAugust 10, 2024Known ForJames Beard Foundation Award winning ChefMarital StatusYet to be updatedFamilyYet to be updatedEducationYet to be updatedNativeFreedom, Pennsylvania, USA Social...

Venkatesh Bhat Wiki, Biography, Age, TV Shows, Videos, Gallery

NameVenkatesh BhatAge/DOB43 (September 15, 1980)Known ForSamayal Samayal with Venkatesh Bhat (Vijay TV Show), Cooku With Comali (Vijay TV Show), Top Cooku Dupe Cooku (Sun...

Chef Damu Wiki, Biography, Age, TV Shows, Gallery

NameDr. Damodaran KothandaramanAge/DOB70 (September 3, 1954)Known ForCooku With Comali (Vijay TV Show)Marital StatusMarriedFamilyWife: Usha Damu Children: Renuka Praveen, Akshaya DhamuFather: NAMother: NASiblings: NAEducationPh.D. Catering...

Madhampatty Rangaraj Wiki, Biography, Age, Movies, Gallery

NameMadhampatty RangarajAge/DOB41 (April 2, 1983)Known ForMehandi Circus (Kollywood), Madhampatty Thangavelu CateringMarital StatusMarriedFamilyWife: Shruthi RangarajChildren: 2 SonsFather: Madhampatty ThangaveluMother: Yet to be updatedSiblings: Madhampatty Krishnakumar...