Nishad Yusuf was a talented movie editor known for his exceptional work in the 2022 Malayalam film Thallumala, for which he received the Kerala State Film Award. He also made significant contributions to several other hit movies including Unda, One, Saudi Vellaka, and Petta Rap. Nishad was involved in high-budget projects like Suriya’s Kanguva and Mammootty’s Bazooka. Unfortunately, he was discovered dead at his residence in Panampilly Nagar, Kochi, on October 30, 2024. Initial reports suggest the cause of death looks like suicide.
Did You Know?
As the editor of the highly anticipated film Kanguva, Nishad’s sudden demise has left everyone in shock.
According to the police reports, he was found hanging in the flat around 4 AM and his body was shifted to the Government Hospital, Ernakulam for inquest proceedings.
Just two days prior to his death, he shared a post reflecting on special moments from the music launch of Kanguva.
A professional content writer with a passion for writing an engaging and informative article. He loves to write articles based on the entertainment sector that captivate audiences.