Manikandan is an Indian actor primarily known for his 2003 coming-of-age movie Boys, directed by S Shanker. He also appeared in films like Kicha Vayasu 16, Yuga, and Gurusamy. After the Kaadhal movie in 2014, he took a decade-long break and made his return with the Bagheera movie in 2023. Manikandan’s role as Dhana in the 2024 movie Maharaja was praised by the audience and critics. Manikandan is rumoured to be a participant in the Bigg Boss Tamil Season 8, hosted by Vijay Sethupathi.
Did You Know?
Manikandan worked with popular actors like Siddharth, Bharath, Vijay Sethupathi, Vishal, and many others.
His recent interview about his life story became viral on social media platforms.
During the interview, he also revealed that he missed several blockbuster films like Kadhal, Soodhu Kavvum, and Themerkku Paruvakaatru.
A professional content writer with a passion for writing an engaging and informative article. He loves to write articles based on the entertainment sector that captivate audiences.