Ranjit Kumar better known by his social media handle Geeky Ranjit, is an Indian YouTuber and tech expert based in Hyderabad. He runs a YouTube channel named Geekyranjit, where he shares videos on gadget unboxings, detailed reviews, pros and cons, and smartphone comparisons. Ranjit is known for his clear and straightforward explanations, as well as his ability to simplify complex tech concepts. This has helped him to build a dedicated following. He made headlines when he swapped his BMW sedan for an XUV700 and shared pictures of the new car on social media, sparking widespread discussion.
Did You Know?
In 2007, Geeky Ranjit launched a website called tech2buzz.com, offering reviews of the latest electronic gadgets.
Ranjit is a seasoned professional with over 30 years of experience in the computer industry.
He has also introduced a new YouTube series called Geeky Answers, where he provides in-depth explanations on specific tech topics or gadgets.
A professional content writer with a passion for writing an engaging and informative article. He loves to write articles based on the entertainment sector that captivate audiences.