Series Title: Choli Ke Peeche Kya Hai
Part: 2
Main Cast: Malvika Tomar, Ayushi Bhowmick
Release Date: August 9, 2024
The second part of the Choli Ke Peeche Kya Hai web series is currently streaming on ULLU. The sequel stars Malvika Tomar and Ayushi Bhowmick in the lead roles. Three episodes have been finalized for this sequel and will be available only on the Ullu app. Users need a minimum subscription plan of Rs. 99 for 5 days to watch the series.
The first part of Choli Ke Peeche Kya Hai web series is available on ULLU.
It is the story of a father and son who have been working as a tailor in a small village. The leader of their hometown ordered them to create a beautiful dress for his daughter’s wedding. But the tailor boy falls in love with the leader’s daughter. How all this will turn out is the main crux.