Ambika Raina IAS Wiki, Biography, Age, Family, Gallery

Ambika Raina is an IAS officer who rejected the high paying foreign jobs to serve her nation.


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Ambika Raina is an IAS Officer from Jammu and Kashmir. She secured the 164th rank in the UPSC examination with her hard work and perseverance. Her father’s transferrable job greatly influenced her, leading her to study in several states. After graduating, she got an internship at a Zurich company in Switzerland. However, she rejected the offer and decided to prepare for the UPSC exam. She is undergoing training under the Indian Audit and Accounts service.

Did You Know?

  • Ambika faced various struggles during the preparation due to her lack of humanities subjects in her educational background.
  • She succeded on the third attempt of the UPSC exam after failing twice.
  • To overcome the success, she researched the interview of more than 100 UPSC toppers and scheduled her study plan.
  • In December 2023, Ambika met with an accident, which caused her a leg injury.


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Mouna Guru
Mouna Guru
A Mechanical Engineer by education but a content writer by passion. He has been in the field of Content Writing and Social Media Marketing for more than six years. He loves to write in a wide range of genres especially Entertainment.


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